Sunday, March 28, 2010

There was a girl...

I saw this lovely post on Emma's blog, and I decided to do a similar one for today, so you can know a little bit more about me. I made it longer, indeed; maybe because I'm older than Emma, haha!


More than 10 years ago;

This is me when I was 4 years old, so this picture is like 24 years old. I was happy, cute and not as evil as I am now... (well I'm not evil either, haha!)

7 years ago; 

It was my second summer at the UK; I was introducing myself inside the lolita fashion, but in that summer I don't know why, I was feeling so gothic-punk, listening to Joy Division (again) and The Clash (again) and just feeling that my life wasn't in Spain...

5 years ago;

I was 23, and I felt so decadent and lost that I almost leave my career. That year was so bad, a person made me so much damage... but life goes on, and I don't remember why... but I started dreaming again.

3 years ago;

 I was 25, my hair was pink and short and life was unexpected for me, so I just enjoyed the present. I met some gorgeous people and I decided finally that I wanted to work in the fashion industry, being a coolhunter.

1 year ago;

I was 27, and I was saving money for coming to Barcelona, for my coolhunting studies. I was living at Algeciras, a very boring place, but I had here good friends that made me smile every time I felt sad.

6 months ago;

It was October, and I just have arrived in Barcelona. My hair was orange, and I was full of good vibrations and great expectations that I still feel today...

3 months ago; 

I came back to Algeciras for Christmas and I had a very great time with all my friends from here. My family was great and I was travelling into Berlin in two weeks.

1 week ago; 

I bought this gorgeous hat and I was so happy because in less than a week I was coming back home for Easter. 3 months since the last time I saw my family and my friends from Algeciras... so much time!

I went to the hospital for seeing my grandfather and spent the rest of the day at home with my mother. And I didn't make any picture...


I'm going to a market near my town and I'll wear some of the cute clothes I bought today with my mother.

a year from now;
I hope I'll be living outside Spain, doing something that I really like, working for once in my life in what I want. Wish me luck!!


  1. Love this post, you are so cute at 4!!


  2. Wow, I only started reading your blog recently, so there was so much I didn't know about you! It was good to learn more =) I thought you were younger than 28 haha.

  3. I'd really like to read more about your coolhunting experience.

  4. That is such a good idea for a blogpost. Thank you for the good blog and inspiration

  5. k post tan original, tan tierno y tan melancolico!! me ha encanatado, me quedo con tu estilo loly poop de ahoraa!! un bsoo

  6. this is the sweetst and coolest post ever!!!

    i want to do a simlira post now :3

    I love ur two tone hair and i hope your granddad are okay

    and im excited for ur plans :3

  7. Qué post más genial- Esta retrospectiva del pasado y ese mirar al futuro lleno de ilusiones. Ojalá se hagan realidad. Esper que tu abuelo se encuntre mejor.

    B* a la Moda

  8. ¡Me encantas! Sobretodo la foto de pequeñita jiji Me gustan ver las evoluciones de las personas =3


  9. De vez en cuando está bien hacer este tipo de recopilación de la vida de cada uno ¿verdad? Es interesante como las personas pasamos por diferentes etapas, pero siempre siendo en el fondo uno mismo. Además, tuve que reirme al leer lo de que Algeciras es un lugar aburrido (obvio, más cuando pasaste incluso veranos en UK). Pero veo a gente de mi pueblo que solo quiere ir a Alge porque es más interesante que ésto xD Todo es relativo. Algún día necesitarán expandirse más ^^

  10. oooh asi que siempre as sido tan mona??? *O*!!!
    joo que cuca!!

  11. Cool post! I thought you were younger too, but it was fun to read about your past and your hopes for the future.

  12. Oh this is such a lovely post! I adore this walk down memory lane and looking at how you've evolved along the years! I may have to try it out too myself:)


  13. La que es guapa, es guapa siempre :D


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!