Friday, January 31, 2020

Nice places around Alkmaar: Soepp

Hey there, stranger.

You know when you pass by a place you've been wanting to visit so badly but you never got to enter? Well, that was me with this little lovely place where I live until last week! Since my friend Marta was visiting us for a week, I made a little tour around Alkmaar with her, and when we passed by Soepp, we decided that we should have lunch there that day.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Comfortable with myself.

Hey there, stranger.

The weekend is about to start and I'm happy because a good friend of mine is visiting us for a few days in Alkmaar. I have to work too, but we managed to do some nice things together already. 

These photos are from last weekend when we were about to go visiting Thijs' family. The light was lovely and honestly, it was not cold at all. Of course, I was wearing a coat, but I was not cold while shooting the photos. This week temperatures here in the Netherlands are a little bit lower, so doing this would be more difficult. It was a very comfy outfit, even with the puffy petticoat. For me, I feel that Lolita and Otome fashion are the styles I'm more comfortable with, I like how I look when wearing it and I feel more myself. I wear these clothes feeling lots of love for them and it's a way of expressing who I am. 

Needless is to say that, as a lot of my fellow lolita friends I've received lots of critics (most of them unwanted) about the way I look but, you know what? Fuck them. Fuck them with their narrow minds and sad ways of thinking. If you don't like this or any other type of fashion/person, just don't look at them, ignore them. You don't need to make those people feel bad about the way they look just because you don't like their hair colour, makeup or clothes. 

If you're reading this and someone sometimes said something nasty to you because of the way you looked, just repeat out loud with me: Fuck You, assholes

Because always remember: we're not here to please anyone, and probably we're all gonna get critics about how we look no matter what we do... So maybe just keep doing it.

T-shirt - customized
Skirt - Metamorphose
Socks - Emily Temple Cute
Shoes - Doc Martens
Beret - Offbrand

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A trip back in time (part I)

Hey there, stranger. 

I still have a lot to catch up with you. So much that some things I need to split them in two, or I will write endless posts about the amazing places I've discovered here in The Netherlands so far. This post today is about that, so follow me. 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

A short visit to my favourite place in The Netherlands: Teylers Museum

Hey there, stranger.

What have you been doing this week? 

Mine was pretty busy, but I'm trying to come with a plan to make this work. I hope I can keep it up because now that I'm kind of back, I wouldn't like to leave this again. 

I was lucky enough last Saturday to spend the day with my lovely friend Liv in Haarlem. We've been wanting to meet up for a while, and Destiny was kind to us, so we could arrange a date pretty soon. 

Haarlem is a city very close to Amsterdam, and I'm totally in love with it. It has my favourite museum in the entire Netherlands, a place that, maybe it's not too big, but is full of charm. I fell in love with it since the first time I was there, and believe me when I say that I have thousands of photos of this place and that this is not the first time I will be talking about it. 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Blinded by the Sun (at De Rijp)

Hey there, stranger.

So I guess that this is happening. Or at least, I'm gonna try to make it happen. It was one of my resolutions for my birthday, bring back this little corner to life, just because. 

To be honest, I've done a lot since I left. I've been in Sweden twice, in Belgium, back to Poland, back to London and in a lot of places around The Netherlands. Met my friends in Madrid twice, people came to visit me... Yeah, I've been busy. Also with work (not everything is having fun, of course). If you've been following me on Instagram, you know what I've been up to, but of course, I always shoot a thousand photos that I wanna show you. 

And now I don't know where t start! Today I'm sick at home (almost lost my voice and had a fever and nasty coughing) and therefore, I don't feel like being philosophical or intensita (little intense, like we say in Spanish. Oh, yeah, you know I can be pretty intensita).

So I will start here, in one of my favourite days of last spring: our visit to De Rijp.

De Rijp is a village and former island very close to Alkmaar. Before the poldering of the lakes surrounding it, De Rijp was famous for its herring industry (herring is a very typical bite here in The Netherlands, you eat it as a snack in the streets). Today it's known for its rijksmonuments (National Heritage Monuments), which include some of the oldest wooden houses of North Holland. 

Tuesday, January 07, 2020


Hey there, stranger. 

Long-time no see

I've been away daydreaming, trying to keep going with life and what the future brings me. Life's ok, I consider myself happy in The Netherlands and, although I miss sometimes my friends, I've met nice people here too and little by little my social life is getting back together. 

But of course, there's the Grief. The Grief that is always with me. You see, they said that grieving is a process that we must overcome, but I don't believe it's like that. Grief is something that stays with you during all your life and waits for you to be alone and a little bit sad to attack. Just a song, just a memory, just a smell or the sound of the sea. And there it is, biting your ankles to make you fall. 

Nothing bad happens if you fall, really. I've been there, and I've woke up again. And believe me, I'm not stronger than you or more determined, no. I simply woke up again because I understood some time ago that Grief stays with us forever, and we just need to live with it and make that pain part of ourselves. That way, it hurts every day a little less, except when it wants you to feel it (those days in which it bites your ankles, yes). I promise you that, if you just accept it, it would be ok. Believe me. 

This skirt smells like Grief. I bought it from Jimina while I was in Algeciras during those painful months, and is the one I wore for my mum's funeral. Her funeral, my trial (like Nick Cave says). That day I was about to wear something much simple, but at the last moment I decided that no, this was me, this was who my mom loved (and still loves, I know) and that was it, no matter whoever said about it. So I wore it, and I gave my goodbye speech, and I was proud of my mum and I was proud of myself that day. 

Every time I wear this skirt I remember that moment in which I was brave enough to be me, despite the painful situation. So I feel really proud of myself, no matter the bittersweet memory. It's just part of the process of keep growing up with Grief.