Sunday, May 23, 2010

"The Clone Wars"

Following Laia's topic from yesterday, I decided that I want to express my opinion about the un-originality between bloggers and the rising of something that I call "The Clone Wars" (yes, I'm a freak, and I was writing about Lost today, but I'll leave it for tomorrow).

As you all may know by now, I'm studying a postgraduate about coolhunting for the fashion industry. So, first of all, what a coolhunter do?

As a coolhunter, you must observe the mainstream of the streets; I mean, what people wear every day and almost in every occasion, the shapes, colours, clothes, makeup, hairs, shoes; separately and all together... and not only what people wear on the streets of your city, but also all around the world; so as you can imagine, the internet is one of our tools, and blogs, street snaps and things like that are a meeting point of this.

But, as a coolhunter, you work with the things that are different and that may work with the mainstream. Yes, we took something original and use it for inspiring designers, stylish and people from the fashion world. And we can do this because there are original people.

But as Laia mentioned yesterday, I've realized that between bloggers, the almost most "famous" are the ones who copy one style from another: the catalogue of the brand, some idols (Alexa Chung, for example, is one of the models that I've seen that people copy a lot) or another blogger more famous... and I mean, do this people know something about the meaning of "inspiration"?


1. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
2. The condition of being so stimulated.
2. An agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention.
3. Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired.
4. The quality of inspiring or exalting: a painting full of inspiration.
5. Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.
6. The act of drawing in, especially the inhalation of air into the lungs.

So I can't understand why people don't follow bloggers that contains a big amount of this instead of people who only copy looks from magazines or other people... what's the meaning of that? That has no merit for me.

The good part of this is that the "clone bloggers", sooner or later, would be forget... and the original ones would remain in the mind of those who really appreciate originality, the designers and the people who want to innovate into the fashion world, not the only ones who want to be famous. 

A long time ago, I took the slogan from one of the Hugo Boss spots as a way of life. And I'm gonna use it until the end of it. Because fantasy, creativity and originality can live between the mainstream; they're the big flowers in a field full of grass...

Don't imitate, innovate. 

And this post is for those boys and girls who inspires me (as the definition from above said) every day, those normal people who shows their lives in pieces by internet, regardless always being perfect or going into the latest fashion:

My beloved Elin, from Elinkan
Sandra, from Niotillfem; thank you!
The gorgeous Elsa, from Need help dressing?
The original Shan Shan, from Tinytoadstool  
(by the way, she's being ill; I hope you'll recover really soon!)
Marcello Lasco, my particular Voldemort ;) 
(love you dear!)
Xiaoxi Zhang, from It, is Nancy's new blog.

Marmelindela, with her colourful lips and beautiful eyes 
and gorgeous smile!!
And this adorable girl that you all may know

You know what I'm going to say right now, but I think that this time matches perfectly with us. 

We can be more or less "famous". We really don't care. We love fashion and it's our way to express ourselves. And the most important thing: 
We're not here to please you.

Thanks for reading.


  1. i love this post :3 I can't really explain, but makes me happy that there are other ppl seeking for orginality and not following the 'crowd'. Gah I hate copycats can't they dress or think for themselves?

    lovely post and i love the last bit :)

  2. Este post está genial ^^

    La verdad yo prefiero inspirarme, el problema es que acá en mi país la paga es bien poca XDD somos tercermundista, por ello casi solo se ve gente que copia a otra y no innovan en la moda, es rara la que me gusta como anda en totalidad.

    GRacias a ti por inspirar a las que te seguimos y claro esas chicas que mencionas estan super divis.

    Saludos desde américa.

  3. ¡Jo! Que guapos van todos

  4. you make everything so clear, i never really thought of it this way.. im not much of a follower. sometimes i find myself trying to be, but certain styles, shapes just dont suit me. and im not gonna change me to suit the trend. you post grade sounds so interesting :)
    i did fashion management degree.
    vicki xo

  5. YEAH!! I'm agree!! (again ^^)
    It make me laugh sometimes to see all these copies... O_o
    It can pissed me off too, sometimes... I don't want to wear my old stripped T-shirt anymore XD
    I'm happy to read your blog and Laia's one because you have your own style!! And I love so much Elinkan, Tahti, Nancy... (and The Clothe Horse too ^^).
    Kisses from Paris ;)

  6. Muy muy buenos el post tuyo y el de Laia, realmente me ha encantado un montón.
    Yo soy una matá con la moda, de esas que lo primero que pille en el armario se lo coloca XD pero por vaga eh XD pero te entiendo completamente cuando dices lo de innovar porque a mi me ocurre cuando pinto o dibujo.

    Estoy hasta el moñaco de que se impongan en muchisimas ocasiones el dejar volar la imaginación como uno desee dejando la mente en blanco y no "atreverse" por decir de alguna forma, a hacer lo que realmente te de la gana con los colores, las formas y las lineas porque "no es lo normal" el querer ser actual y olvidarse de ser uno mismo marcando huella en las personas de alguna forma, y no ser uno más.

    Me ha gustado un montón el post de verdad, ojala tubiese mas ganas de vestirme bonica o tener un espejico x unas horas para poder hacer virguerias con la ropa jeje.

    Un besazo chocho!

  7. el que no sea friky que levante la espada laser!!

  8. Cool post, darling! I've always dressed according to the way I like. And I hope I can continue to do so! I love your list of inspirations, they're such inspirations to me too:)


  9. jaja the clone wars... qué friki eres ;) (dicho con todo el respeto jaja)
    La verdad es que cada vez me aburren más muchos blogs, los tengo en mi blogroll pero casi ni entro, estoy un poco aburrida de ver lo mismo en todas partes... y sí, a veces también me cuesta entender pq algunos blogs tienen 800 seguidores cuando yo sólo veo a una niña mona llevando la misma ropa del escaparate de zara que veo por la calle a 100 chicas más... pero supongo que es porque nosotras tenemos inquietudes diferentes y otra forma de ver la moda
    Es lo que le decía ahora a Laia, que para nosotras es mucho más que trapitos y crear conjuntos de tendencia, para nosotras es una forma de expresar nuestra creatividad y de hacer arte, y lo relacionamos con nuestra personalidad, nuestros gustos y aficciones... y por eso no necesitamos copiar a nadie, porque en nuestros looks ponemos mucho de lo que somos nosotras.
    Pero bueno, a mí me da igual como vaya el resto del mundo, y en el fondo también me importa poco tener menos seguidores y no ser famosa... prefiero seguir siendo yo y amar la moda de verdad, como un arte y algo que me permite ser creativa, y no porque Alexa lleve tal modelo... y mientras haya gente tan creativa como tú o Laia, me da igual que haya cien mil clones ;)

    1 beso!

  10. También creo que mucha culpa la tienen las grandes cadenas de ropa, todas las de Inditex tienen el mismo estilo de ropa y salvaría una o dos prendas de toda la tienda...

    No conocía estos blogs, salvo Niotillfem y Need help dressing? que me encantan, asi que echaré un vistazo al resto :)

  11. Agreed. Although the clones don't really bother me. I think it's sad they copy things completely and don't have the creativity to have fun with fashion, but if they feel comfortable who am I to judge? I don't like their blogs and I don't really understand all the people that do, but then again, there are just so many people that think I dress ridiculous too. I just leave them be just as they do with me and enjoy all the people that dress with creativity and stand out for that.

    Thank you for mentioning me, I really think it's such a wonderful compliment!

  12. I agree 100% When I want some inspiration to write in my blog, I take it from the movies or books I love (or the ones I consider interesting) Sometimes I just talk about things taht I do (whenever I do something different or original) Sometimes, I just take a poem that I love and post it, or I make deep phylosophical posts. But I allways try to make it my own style, whatever I'm talking about. And... yes, I'm a BIG Star Wars freak, too.

  13. I love this list of inspiration. They are all so amazing and unique.

    Lulu Letty

  14. A la gente le gusta decir las célebres frases de los grandes diseñadores, pero no todos entienden lo que significan, a esa conclusión he llegado yo...

  15. also this post kinda inspired me tehe :3

  16. Hola, acabo de descubrir tu blog y me ha encantado tu post¡¡ te seguiré de cerca ;)
    Saludos desde el Tocador de Monique!

  17. this post is very interesting nice pictures

  18. A mí lo que realmente me molesta es que nos metemos en subculturas para tratar de huir de los clones y ni así lo conseguimos T_T Mira en el Lolita, la gente termina copiando los catálogos de Baby cuando todo empezó con el "hacerse las cosas uno mismo", con lo bonito que era...

  19. Lo original es muy valioso porque sin duda aportas algo innovador. Pero a mí me merece el mismo respeto la gente que sabe lo que le gusta a la mayoría. Ser original en tu casa no tiene el mismo mérito que ser original y gustar a la maoría. Yo creo que sí que es inspiración mirar a una celebrity para coger ideas de su estilo. No le veo que eso sea menos inspiración que mirar el cuadro de un artista para inspiración. El hecho de ser una celebrity no le quita capacidad de inspirar, no?
    Yo creo que decimos lo mismo! Pero es que este post da para mucho!

    B* a la Moda

  20. The worst thing is when people copy really bland and boring styles. And they don't get forgotten that soon either.

  21. ¿Qué es más importante?
    1-Muchos, muchos seguidores que contestan a los post por inercia y leyéndoselos por encima sólo para guardar las apariencias...


    2-Que los muchos o pocos que tengas, realmente lean lo que escribes y tengas un feedback positivo con ellos, una relación que se retroalimenta a través del blog...

    A mí me gusta más la opción 2.


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!