Friday, May 14, 2010

The girl who came from Amsterdam (part I of a little Amsterdam's guide)

So I'm back, it's been short but very intense... and of course, with thousands of pictures, I've made for all of you! I've discovered some great places for eating, having a coffee (and NOT the usual coffee-shop), buy cute clothes or original things... so let's start!! And be prepared for a huge bunch of pictures... you're gonna meet Amsterdam through my eyes!

A lovely bike I found
So early in the morning, we took our flight to Amsterdam, and at 9 o'clock, we were in the city. 

This picture was taken by the tram.

So, Amsterdam has got lovely canals...

And lots of streets without asphalt, something that I really love; just because asphalt has got a peculiar smell that gives a strange point to the air of the cities.

Big streets and small alleys...

And art in every part of the city, including in places that you cannot imagine... 

The car of some masons.
This looks like the one above... but it's for the gas of the houses!

So, some places I visited and I think you would like it are... 

* The Frozen Fountain (Prinsengracht 645/1016)

A place where you can find original furniture for your home, carpets, chair, tablewares, art toys made of paper...

* The Darling (Runstraat, 4, 1016 GK)

A lovely shop with cute brands, cupcakes, complements and a little atelier on the top of the shop, where Nadine van der Zee, the designer, creates her clothes! I only have pictures from outside, sorry!

* Parisienne (Berenstraat, 4, 1016  GH)

A lovely and small shop with gorgeous jewels and a rococo style!

* Goodies (Huidenstraat 9, 1016 ER)

A place where you can eat... lovely one! The sandwich was gorgeous!!

Cova, Alba and Vane!
Vane and her soup, yummier!!
I liked this guy's sweater!

* Pompadour ( Huidenstraat 12 and Kerkstraat 148)

One of the most gorgeous patisseries I've ever been to!! I ate a lovely chocolate mousse... delicious! Judge by yourself!!
Sooooo great!

* Moeders Restaurant (Rozengracht 251)

I think this was one of the greatest things I saw that day. A restaurant where nothing matches with anything... and the food was delicious! Everything was like a homemade meal, and the walls were full of mother's pictures! I left one picture of my mum, so if you go there, be sure to take one picture of yours too, so you can leave it there!

The small photo is one of my mum!

* Ready to Fish (Prinsengracht 581-583)

A shop with a gorgeous concept: it sells clothes, makes exhibitions, sells furniture (but promote the DIY concept too) and serve coffee!! And I must say that the girls from the shop were adorable!

So, this was our first day... we went to the Heineken shop, the red light district (where they're trying to mix fashion with prostitution) and some other places, but this is what I liked most!

Tomorrow I'll post the second part of this... and REMEMBER!! it would be the last day for entering into my fisrt giveaway!! So come on, do it!!

Thanks for reading, I know it was long but I hope these would be useful!


  1. Wow cuantos lugares lindos, awww me gustaría volver a Europa T_T
    me llama mucho el lado norte ejejeje.
    Esos chocolates y pasteles ayy se ven deliciosos.


  2. great photography i love the buildigs and nice outgit :3

  3. ooooh k lugares tan bonitos! es todo precioso *_____* y que dulcess! *-* *baba* XD

  4. OMG! The mousse look so yummy and delicious! I love brand shops and take pics of them, but seriously, cakes and sweets always make me smile!

  5. Que pasada de resumen Libe, de verdad que me ha encantado. Me ha gustado mucho compartir este viaje con vosotras, en serio!!!
    Haces unas fotos increíbles!!

    Mil besos!

  6. ¡Menudo currazo te has pegado, amiga! Es interesante ver que ciertos detalles como el maquear el mobiliario urbano también han llegado a otras ciudades como Barcelona:!/photo.php?pid=2785725&id=706214737

    Mirando tus fotos sólo puedo exclamar: ¡qué ciudad más bonita!

  7. ya me gustaria a mi que Sevilla fuera la mitad de bonita, apacible y fresquita de lo que es Amsterdam xD
    las fotos son preciosas y los sitios a los que fuiste (a parte de que te dio tiempo de ir a un monton de sitios en un solo dia) son geniales. Me ha encantado la bici de la primera foto y bueno, de Heineken que voy a decir, es mi cerveza preferida a parte de la birra japonesa xD (una española que no le gusta cruzcampo, si, soy mas rara que un piojo verde xD)

  8. Wow, I'm so jealous! I've been wanting to visit Amsterdam for such a long time... Your photographs are beautiful!

    I'd love to go to Prinsengracht; I'm studying Anne Frank in art.. I'm very jealous:)


  9. oh i love amsterdam and your photos are great! there used to be a toothbrush shop near laurierracht when I was wee, with a toothbruch wheel, used to make me dream! i still have my mini hello kitty toothbrush from there!

    great blog!

  10. Oh I cannot wait to visit Amsterdam again some day, I adore it there

  11. wowooooowww how amazing! You are so lucky! I bet it was an awesome experience...

    I love your pictures -- it's neat to see how different and beautiful other places are :) Thanks for sharing!


  12. yayyyyy amsterdam guide! oww i havnt stopped by here in such a long time, and it's been such a shame.
    to make it up to you, i'll try and build a sentence with the little i remember of catalan:

    tinc que llegir els teus posts anteriors!
    i think i did it right, let's hope my year long stay at barcelona has served me right!

    (argh, so jealous, i want to go to amsterdam aswell!!)

  13. you have so many amazing adventures and they're wonderful to read about! as always, great photos to accompany them :)

  14. Llevo tiempo leyéndote en silencio, pero este post me ha dado la excusa perfecta para comentar...

    Viendo estas fotos han vuelto mis ganas de visitar Amsterdam, que maravilla ♥♥♥

    Tu diario es un placer de arriba abajo, desde la parte de moda a las fotos de comida, me parece genial...


  15. Your trip looks amazing Libs. I definitely want to go to Amsterdam in the future.

    Lulu Letty


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!