Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sahakiel and the Inglorious Basterds

Hi everyone! How's your weekend going? I hope that everything is ok with you all!

Well, I know, so... first of all... tadaaaaaaaa!

So, finally, I did it! Me with my new hair, hehe! I really like it, more than blonde!

On Friday I went to the cinema just for watching "Inglorious Basterds", by Quentin Tarantino. I must say that I really enjoy the film; the story was quite funny; and I LOVE the aesthetics of the film, the clothes that the women were wearing was wonderful: hats, headpieces, shoes, suits ... I was really excited every time I saw one of them.

Yes, I really loved the character of Mélanie Laurent; she was my favourite!

And of course, we took a picture doing the dumb...

And yesterday night, I went out with my cousin Rocío and some friends; we had a lovely time. Rocío is moving to Berlind next weekend for a year... I hope I could go visit her throughout the year!

T-shirt - Stradivarius Jacket - Pull&Bear Skirt - Vintage Tights - Zara Boots - Mustang Hairband - Primark

And today, Sunday, I went with my mother to an antique market in Sabinillas, but there were few interesting things. I bought a pair of spoons thinking of Laia from Let me feel like a doll; to see if I do something with them for us! our obsession are gonna kill us, sweetheart!

What did you do this weekend?


  1. Oh, I adore your new hair color!! It's totally gorgeous on you!!

    Now, I really must go see this movie.

  2. Aww, you're too sweet. Thanks so much for the kind comment. If you want, send me an email, so I can properly respond to your comments.

  3. Hay una que se parece a Juliet de Perdidos, que obsesion de serie! Me gusta mucho la falda!

  4. Dios tu pelooooooooooooooooo (L)(L)(L) me encanta como te queda! Jo ahora me están entrando ganas otra vez de ponermelo rojo, ays ya veré xD

    y que gracia que hayas comprado unas cucharas!! XDDDD yo también hoy, me ha dicho el hombre que eran francesas, muy rococos por eso y mira que yo quería algo sencillito pero es que esas me han enamorado

  5. bellaaaaa!! asi me gusta mas tu cabello, es que te lucen esos colores *__*
    Para la noche ibas bien rocker jejejej, me gustaron mucho tus medias.

  6. finde completito :)

    te queda muy bien el rojo!!!


  7. Te queda genial el nuevo pelo *___* me encanta <3 Aish, ya queda menos pa vernos!!!

  8. La verdad, no tengo demasiadas esperanzas antes la película... Tarantino me ha defraudado un poquito haciendo una película de nazis.... con Brad Pitt.. aún así mi orgullo me dejará verla

    Te queda de lujo ese color (envidia envidia envidia...)

    Y sí... vaya joyitas que sueltas a veces XDD

  9. Te queda genial el nuevo color, en mi opiniíon te favorece bastante más que el rubio.

    Yo también he visto la película y me ha encantado, en mi opinión supera con creces la saga de "Kill Bill" (que también me encanta). La verda es que mi favorito en la película ha sido Hans Landa, me ha parecido un personaje interesantísimo pese a ser un gran hijo de puta XD

  10. wa tia estabas preciosa! la ultima foto es super glamuuur y tu pelo nuevo!! oooh k mona tia *_*! esta chulisimoooO!! *-*
    un beso guapa!!

  11. Oh wow I just saw the movie on Sat night and i LOVED it too. So amazing.

  12. i love ur hair colour and i want to watch tht film :p

  13. sorry i haven't visited in a few days! been really busy with exams and working. i love the second outfit! i love skirts, especially a lace one like yours! and printed stockings too!

    also, i wanted to ask how do you pronounce your name? if i pronounced it correclty, i really like it! and it's very unique, is it a popular name in spain?

  14. aww i am too scared to see that movie because i think it'll make me wanna cry lol!
    looks like you two had fun! xo

  15. Eres super atrevida!!!!


  16. heyyy que fotazas mas chulas tienes!!
    me encanta tu falda y las medias...esque el encaje me tiene como loca!!! :)
    un besazo,,,nos vemos por aqui eeee

  17. Gracias reinaaaaaaaa...disculpa por contestar tan tarde pero llevo un día de trabajo...ufff...mañana tomo mi semanita de vacaciones y he tenido q dejarlo todo listo...

    Q difícil hoy en día es ser mísmo...

    Me encanta tu blog...bsitosssss darling

  18. I discovered a lovely new bar in the center and that was about it. :)

    Love your hair!

  19. Oh, your hair looks amazing! And this movie looks so inspiring... I'm practically drooling :D

  20. I love your hair! It's a wonderful color.

    I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds yet but I've heard nothing but good things and the wardrobe motivates me even more to go see it! I hardly ever go to the theatre, though, so I'll probably just see it when it comes out on DVD.

    I spent this entire weekend just studying and writing papers for class. School really sucks.

  21. I love your new hair. I'm so envious, I love red hair.



Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!