Saturday, July 24, 2010

Yummy yummy!!

I made this lovely pirate bunny for two reasons: first of all because I want to present it in a cute exhibition that is happening on September here at Barcelona; and secondly, because it's the perfect excuse for announcing the opening of my little handicrafts shop:

So I'll be very happy if you have a look at it and tell me your opinion!

Yesterday I cooked curry, and I took some pictures for explaining you the recipe, as some of you have been asking me about it... here what you'll need:

* Chicken breast
* Carrots
* Onions
* Raisins
* Ginger and Curry
* Cooking Cream
* Basmati Rice

So, first of all, cut the chicken breast into dices. Do the same with the carrot and raisins. Cut the onion in thin slices and put it with the carrots and raisins into a pan, with a little bit of oil. Cook it until the onion is sheer.

When this is ready, add the chicken and some curry, moving until it is half-cooked. Then, add the cream and some more curry, as you wish. You can add some pepper too, like some other vegetables you prefer, like tomatoes, potatoes, marrow, etc. When the chicken is ready, take it out of the fire and prepare the rice.

For the rice, I normally use some oil, ginger, salt and a piece of lemon, which brings some flavour and makes the rice less sticky.

When the water is boiling, add the basmati rice and let it cook. When this is ready, put some rice on a plate and then add some curry over it... et voilá!!

You can fry the rice a little bit too, it depends on you!!

Let me know if you've got any doubt or if you prepare it!!

And remember, visit Bunnies are Pirates too!

PS: This is a part of Much Love Monday!


  1. Joder... ahora va a ser imposible ahorrar con tantos conejitos >_< de hecho ahora voy a ahorrar pero pa comprarme un lacito de esos >_<

  2. Que ricooo, me gusta el curry *__*
    El conejito esta bonito, pero no entendia que era lo de abajo, pero son zanahorias verdad? XDD en fin espero te vaya bien con tu tiendita

    una pregunta adonde haces los logos para ir directo a los links?? yo quiero hacer unos


  3. Ay, si vienen con sorpresa entonces ya en nada en nadaaa quiero una lista con todos los que tengas ayyy quiero uno!*.* ajajajja
    Y seguro que te sale bien la tiendita online, ya veras ^^ (si no siempre puedo contratar matones como en los simpson para que te consigan clientela :D)

  4. los conejitos son muy graciosos, y es una idea muy buena poner tu tiendecita virtual!
    Y la receta parece fácil y sabrosa, ñam!

  5. Lovely!!! The pirates bunnies are so cute. I wish you luck with your handycraft shop. And yeah, the curry looks wonderful, even when it's not my favourite dish.

  6. awh the bunny and carrots are so cute ^^

  7. MMMMHH!! Tomo nota! *_* Seguro que con carne de seitán estará bueníísimo x3

  8. Soy muy muy fan del conejo con las zanahorias por dios xDD y quiero curry!!!!! XD

  9. Me encanta tu blog, cada post es un soplo de aire fresco, wow!!
    Yo hago curry de verduras porque soy vegetariana y me sale muyyyyyyyy rico también.
    Te espero para mi apuesta divertida del mix and match de otoño...
    Te abrazo y mañana, fingers crossed, desde Belínnnnnnnnnnnnn

  10. Mmmmm, qué rico! Y qué buena pinta tiene!
    Voy a pasarme por la tienda a echar un vistazo...

  11. That´s a really cute bunny thing:)

  12. Ese curry tiene una pinta excepcional... Me pasaré por tu tiendita a ver que tienes ;)

  13. oh pero que buena pinta que tiene el curryyyy por favoooooorrrrr
    y el conejito es dulzura pura y dura xD

    ahora me paso por el nuevo blog ^^

  14. Mmmh it seems delicious! Thans for sharing! :)

    Marie (

  15. Congrats on your shop Lib!! That's so awesome, yay bunny pirates :D


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!