Monday, December 21, 2009

Modepass interview

Modepass, the fashion community, made me an interview last week and posted it today! You can read the interview here if you want; it's a little bit long but I think you'll find it interesting, as they asked me not only about fashion, but also the relation between psychology and fashion!

I hope you all like it :)

Yesterday I went to Flea Market with Laia, Esther and Micky. This time it was in a bigger place near Marina; and I found some cute things, including a dress for my mom (that I'm not posting here because she sometimes reads my blog and... no, mom, it's a surprise!). I must say that all these things cost me 3 €/each... big bargain!

Lovely yellow heels from Irregular Choice with a Japanese theme. 
Cool handbag, so mod!
Vintage dress that reminds me to Elinka; I'm thinking about doing a sailor collar for it!

And after Flea, we went to the cinema and saw Where the Wild Things Are...

I must say that before seeing this film, I was loving the book... and after the film... I can't only say that you all must see it.

I love Max and his world, the way he changes his mind and the monster that is inside of him; maybe because when I was his age, I had a similar monster inside me, and still is there, but now I know how I can treat it... that's Max's adventure, the way of knowing and treating the monsters that are inside of us... a wonderful adventure... 

So please, go with him and discover where the wild things are... because we all have been there almost once in our life!

In two days I'll be travelling to my home for Christmas! It's raining in almost all the country... winter is here, and tonight is the longest night of the year... so enjoy it!


  1. Felicidades por la entrevista :D si es que ya eres famosa por la red, y lo sabes jajaja

    Tengo planeado ir a ver esa peli esta semana *.*

  2. Muy gloriosos los zapatos amarillos! De la parte que has escrito de la peli no he leido nada porque quiero ir a verla y no quiero spoilerss!!

  3. Me encantaría intercambiar botoncitos contigo :D

    Voy a mirar medidas y etc.

  4. Oh my dear, you always seem to find the best stuff while thrifting!! I want the shoes and the dress hehe:P

    And I really wanna watch where the wild things are! I have a list of movies that I wanna watch and it's ever growing:P


  5. felicidades por la entrevista!! ♥
    y que cositas mas monosas compraste! *_*

  6. Ohh! Enhorabuena por la entrevista! poco a poco nuestra pequeña Libs se hace un hueco entre la moda ehh, me alegro mucho ^^
    y que bonitos son los zapatos!!
    Jo, yo nunca he leido el libro ese de los monstruos, pero tengo ganas de ver la peli xDD

  7. Te felicito por la entrevista, ahora mismo voy a leerla!!

    Me han encantado esos zapatos amarillos y el vestido.., yo diría mas que un cuello sailor, le pongas una corbatita.., o bueno.., las dos cosas.., ya que podrían ser intercambiables!

    Quiero ver la peeeeli!!! ♥

  8. esos tacones se ven tan pop ^^ lindos!!! ya iré a leer esa entrevista, debe estar genial
    yo nunca leí el libro pero si tengo poca memoria que vi la caricatura XDD; tengo que verla pero aun no la traen.
    Hey como se hacen esos botones yo quisiera uno para mi nuevo blog, y claro me gustaría poner el tuyo

    cuidate y pasa feliz solsticio y navidad :)

  9. oo me gusta mucho los zapatos !!!!!
    me gustaria mucho intercambiar "buttons" contigo, let me know when yours is done !

    woo my spanish got so bad :(

  10. very nice. :D

    nad xx

  11. a ver si es vdd y te animas a participar en el concurso de pepa loves guapa! q el premio es muy chulo y aún qdan 4 días :)

  12. Congrats for the interview!

    OH I havent seen the Wild thing yet, I really need to get on that!

    Cute Black and plaid dress! :)

    -Coco From Our Paper Moon

  13. congrats on the interview! the page is loading now on my comp!
    wowowow such bargainS!!
    hope you have a good festive season!

  14. Ahh I love that bag! :D
    And I still haven't seen Where The Wild Things Are. I doubt it's even in theaters in my town anymore. :( How disappointing! I suppose I'll wait to catch it on dvd!

  15. Felicidades por la entrevista x3!!! WAPAA!!

    Me ha matado de amor los zapatos y mira que el amarillo no me hace mucha gracia pero estos son demasiao adorables jejeje.

  16. Enhorabuena por la entrevista reina!!!
    Me enantan os zapatos amarillos!!!!
    Mil besos

  17. Thanks for sharing that with us. I hope your week has started off well. Cheers!

  18. 3 EUROS??? O__O
    pero que genialidad!
    (yo nunca encuentro cosas así xDDD)
    Jo, esta película la tengo pensada ver después de Avatar, aver qué tal es *_*

  19. i want to see that movie so bad!

  20. First of all, I love your new header!:)
    Second of all, the interview is great!
    Great shopping too, especially the dress<3
    Oh and thank you for the birthday wishes:*

  21. Congratulations on the interview!! I can't wait to read it.

    Love your kinds. That dress with the plaid skirt is too wonderful.



Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!