Thursday, January 20, 2011


Some pictures I took last week with the Photocabine application. As you can see, black eyeshadow is my new passion.

I'm thinking about cutting my hair off, maybe something bizarre. Still don't know.

I'm sorry about the lack of posts that I'm doing these weeks, but my head needs a little break. I promise I'll be a good girl soon again ;)

Are you doing something interesting this week? I'm seeing some good friends, but I'll talk about it in my next post because it's a good story.


  1. Queda genial la sombra de ojos!!!

    En serio te lo cortarás??? Yo es de lo mejor que he hecho, y mira que tenía miedo de cortarlo...

    Se te echa de menos, mucho!! =(

    Muai ♥

  2. CUÁNTO primer plano, madre! Jaja, molan las gafas de corazones ;)



  3. Usted es demasiado mona, señorta.

  4. Saltando a la publicación anterior: el día que ví los tacones negros de lunares rosas en H&M, a parte de maravillarme, pensé en tí y en como reaccionarías cuando los vieras.


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!