Sunday, January 23, 2011

Y control

Last Friday I had a lovely time with Laia, Debora, María and her boyfriend Chris. María and Chris have been living in Bristol for the past few years, but now they're at Barcelona for some time. María is a friend of mine for more than ten years ago, and it's been a while since the last time I saw her, so I'm so happy she's here!

I took some pictures of Laia, and you can see more pictures of our meeting here... and she took some pictures of me, too! Thank you, dear, I forgot my camera that day!

Anyway, today I did something to my hair... well, I shaved a little part of my head! But a very small part!

I always wanted to do this to my hair, and I can show it every time I want!

This week I'm going to The Brandery Winter Edition.


  1. Hola guapa, gracias por tu comentario, pensé que te habías olvidado de mí, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Ya sabes que me encantas SIEMPRE.
    Mil besos.

  2. yo si k parezco una acosadora, siempre diciendote lo mona k vas, me faltan las babas XD
    pero es k siempre estas genial y me encantan los sitios a donde vas tia! son geniales *_*

  3. El brandery, y yo encerrada en casa estudiando... Aunque bueno por los horarios, creo que el curro no me dejaría ir igualmente... En fin, pásalo bien tú que puedes :)


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!