Monday, January 31, 2011

Hate the world, it's so romantic! (At The Brandery Welcome Party!)

So this week was The Brandery Winter Edition and of course, I went there for two conferences that were very interesting... but before the "working" post, I want to show you a little bit about the welcome party that happened the last 26th by night. I went with Laia and there we found Jana, Laia Chic and Lucas... yes, we had a lovely time!

They served these lovely mini burgers!

Laia was so so beautiful... judge by yourself:


And I was wearing my pink dress with my new heels... you know that I am never quite sure about this dress, but everyone said I was so lovely, with butterflies on my hair!

Josep was there... I didn't see him since the last Brandery!

This week there's another fashion event, Barcelona 080... I guess that I would go on Tuesday, as tomorrow I'm a little busy... well, I'm so busy these days, as you can see that I'm not posting so much, sorry for that! I must catch up all your blogs!


  1. Qué guapas íbais!!!

    Y el ambiente y todo se veía muy guay, qué envidia me das!! =P


  2. ibais tan wapas jodias! Aix que envidia me dais!

  3. unos zapatos increíbles!
    muy sweet,por supuesto!

  4. Dios me encantan tus zapatos!!!

  5. your pink dress is awesome and your polka dot shoes so cute!, guau!
    vamos, que me encanta!
    Y que tus fotos siempre son interesantes y divertidas!

  6. Que lindos zapatos :D

    Me alegro que te diviertas
    muchoos abrazos


  7. ajjj que asco no haber podido ir

  8. que asco no haber podido ir, por cierto, guapísimas como siempre

  9. ooo those shoes !!!! and those mini burgers !!!

  10. I love the white stockings with the black and polka dot platforms. LOOKS. SO. GREAT...!


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!