Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Minute of decay

After almost a week without blogging (oh my, work is almost finishing with me! Yesterday it was a national holiday and I HAD TO WORK!!!) I'm here to showing you the pictures of my lats Saturday. It was Esther's birthday and we celebrated with one of our famous theme parties. This time: decadence.

But after showing you the pictures I would like to thank you for your lovely comments on my last entry; you all know how important is Sweden for me... so thank you very much for supporting me and my dream!! You're the best!!

Anyway, the night started at my home with my beloved Cristina and some pictures...

And after taking pictures... what should we do? Dancing, of course! We met Esther, Laia, Anaïs, Dani, Debora, Kim & a few more at Demonix, the place where we always go when we do theme parties!

It was a great birthday party, so funny as always!!

By the way, this week my beloved friend rose is here at home with me. yesterday, after work, we went to see a Japanese band, Vamps, who were playing here at Barcelona... and she's here until Sunday, yes!!

I'm so sorry about the lack of posts of the past week... I'll try to write a little bit more this one; you're wonderful for being there!!


  1. i love ur dress and tights ^^
    and great photos :3 I cant wait until I'm older enough to drink alchol :p

  2. You are sooooooooooo lovely. me encantas con tu vestido negro de lolita.

  3. OMG!

    Libe, ADORO ese conjunto,estás preciosa!!!

  4. ¡Que guapo el conjunto!
    Y es toda una alegría ver a Cris, que hace tanto que no hablamos.. =(


  5. Si te sirve de consuelo, yo también trabajé ayer, y el festivo de la semana pasada... y en cambio libré hoy, cuando todo el mundo volvía a la rutina después de sus puentes (o acueductos). ¡Y también trabajo este domingo! Estos de Mcdonald's no respetan ninguno de los días de descanso "del señor", no puede ser! jajaja
    Jo, me encantan todas vuestras fiestas temáticas, este tema en concreto es genial y tú ibas guapísima. Y el título del post me ha recordado al instante la canción de Manson, ahora tengo ganas de escucharla!!

    Y no te agobies por el blog... yo tampoco puedo dedicarle tanto tiempo ahora, y eso que mi trabajo es parcial! (pero mis horarios cambian cada día y además te los cambian de una semana para otra! nunca sé cuando me va a tocar currar)

    1 beso!

  6. Your parties always look like so much fun! And I love your dress, it's very pretty! :)

  7. You look fantastic, and the party looks like so much fun! Don't worry about blogging, we'll be here!

  8. You look wonderful!!! Great tights,especially!
    Decadence is a great theme!!

  9. no nos aburrimos eh!? ..jajaja
    muy buenos looks tod@s!

  10. La primera foto me ha dejado mueeeerrtaaa *_*

  11. Oh! guapísima.
    Me alegro de que lo pasaráis tan bien. Las fotos muy chulas.

  12. Rather nice place you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

    Julia Smith
    escort derry

  13. que mona vas siempre jodía!
    aver si nos vemos, que siempre estoy desaparecida xD

  14. Esas fiestas temáticas sí que parecen divertidas, jéjé, y me encanta vuestro aspecto, muy adecuado!. Bonito vestido y bonitas medias y botas (es que me gustan tanto las botas)
    Y no te agobies con el blog, siempre hay temporadas que no hay tiempo para nada!


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!