Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Busy days a go-go

Hi everyone, how's going? I'm a little busy with the work these days because I'm learning lots of new things, and if everything is going on, I'll announce something soon ;)!

On Friday, Esther, Laia and I had a coffee at Laia's and ate some delicious macaroons that she took from France... delicious!!

The rose macaroon was so great, yay!

On Saturday I had to work, but the sky was so great that day...

And today my friend Felipe came and we had lunch because tomorrow he's moving to frankfurt, Germany. And Nati moved today too to Germany... everybody's moving to Germany, God!!

Anyway, this is how I looked today:

Yes, I know (as someone said at my Formspring) that my coordinates are so weird (he or she said some unpleasant things too, anyway); but fashion is funny, isn't it? ;) And if I can't play with it... well, it would be so boring.
And if I can't dance, I don't want your revolution!!


  1. Why DO people have to be unpleasant! Bet they do look so hot!
    I think you look wonderful on any given day!

  2. Wapa!
    Es que volvemos a estar al nivel de "Pepe, venta pa Alemania" y esas joyas de nuestro cine ¬¬

  3. You and the macaroons are so cute!

    Haters will always hate. And they will also hide behind their computers because they have no backbone and are probably really awkward and so put other people down.

  4. You and the macaroons are so cute!

    Haters will always hate. And they will also hide behind their computers because they have no backbone and are probably really awkward and so put other people down.

  5. Whoever said that on your formspring obviously has no style. Shame on them! You look darling, you always do! Oh, and love the butterfly in your hair. Cute! I've never had a macaron, sadly. They're hard to find in the States and I've heard that sometimes they aren't as good as a proper macaron from France.

  6. Mmmm macarons!! Qué pinta más deliciosa tienen!
    Y bueno, ya sabes que hay que pasar de ese tipo de comentarios... cada uno tenemos nuestro estilo vistiendo y a lo mejor lo que para mí es horrible para otro es maravilloso. De eso se trata, de que cada uno se vista segun sus gustos y su personalidad, y no intentar ser lo que no eres o llevar algo sólo porque está de moda.
    Y qué coño, tú tienes un montón de creatividad y estilo innatos y se te nota nada más verte, a mí me encantan tus combinaciones!!

    ¿Qué tal en el trabajo? Yo al final conseguí curro en Mcdonalds, empiezo hoy mismito!! Estoy un poco nerviosa... ay, a ver qué tal!

    1 beso

  7. mmmmm.....cada dia estoy mas enganchada a los macaroons......
    Buen martes linda!

  8. Ya te echaba de menos..., así es que imaginé que estarías líada con trabajo y vida.
    me encanta tu outfit; aunque me encantaría verlo mejor.
    Un abrazo siempre.

  9. Diosesito santito! jeje

    Lo que daría yo por estos dulces ahora mismito:)

  10. macarons~ <3

    ffff bla bla haters...
    siesque algo se sale de lo "normal" y ya entran en pánico y odio absoluto...
    viva la originalidad hombre~~
    guapa <3

  11. Me alegro mucho de que te estén yendo bien las cosas.
    Y estás muy guapa.


  12. Pero que pinta tienen los macarons! Me encantará probarlos: uhhhh, qué buenos!

  13. I'll announce something soon << Me dejas con la intriga...

  14. You have a lot of followers, it's a madness.

  15. macaroons are adorable!!

    lover their pastel tones!


  16. bueno, esa intriga que no decaiga!, ;D
    Y tienes razón en que la moda tiene que ser divertida, y variada, y una expresión personal:
    Gran estilo el tuyo!
    besos y suerte en todo


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!