Wednesday, September 22, 2010

45-56 was my number

This is England '86 is one of the shows of this season (for me). It's only 4 episodes, but it continues with the story of Shaun and all his gang of friends, who are now adults searching their place on earth.

It's good, really good. I mean, it doesn't talk a lot about the skinheads, it's only the stories of a gang of people searching for their future. A 16-years-old Shaun, who has to find a job and himself; Woody, who still is in love with Lol; the solitary Milky, Smell and her gothic dresses, Gadget and his road to adulthood...

We also can know a little bit more about Kelly, Lol's sister; Trev, Banjo or Meggy; and Harvey is a character that you can see in the film for less than 5 minutes but that is one of my favourite ones here.

It's strange see a tv series about the 80s. I mean, it's normal seeing series from the 80s, but it's less normal a series ABOUT that decade. It makes me feel nostalgic, but also makes me smile. In that time I was only 5 years, and I guess if life in England was like that... for what I know, almost everything it's true (I asked about it when I was living there during two summers).

If you're not following the show, I must say that it ends next week... and believe me, you should do it. It's really really good :)

Today I started and the shop and met Matt, a lovely guy from L.A. who's there for helping us with the visual merchandising of the shop. He's so cute and I really had fun with him; I'll try to take a picture tomorrow because you must meet him!

And after work, I had a coffee with Esther, Deborah and my beloved Nati, who's leaving to Bonn next week... I'll miss her so much!

So, the occasion was special, and I dressed in my Ben Sherman stuff for them:

I hope you all had a great Tuesday, now I'm off to bed because I'm a little bit tired... I'll catch up all your blogs tomorrow!



  1. Es que Sherman es amor y Perry también. La verdad que, como fan de "This is England", esta serie me está dejando un grandioso sabor de boca :D

  2. tu siempre tan estilosa (L) Me encanta tu look ^o^!

  3. <3 !!! dos pastelitos

    me encantan las fotos sobre todo por que la gente sale por ahí como flechada y borrosa

  4. Cuántas cosas aprendo de tí!!!. No sé nada de esta serie, ¿Dónde la ves en internet???
    Adoro los 80, wow, lo más!!!!

  5. ¿¿¿Me estás diciendo que hay continuación de This is England en forma de serie??? OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. ¿Y qué hago yo desperdiciando mi vida de esta manera?

  6. Pues no conocía esta serie pero gracias por descubrírmela, porque me voy ahora mismo a verla! Por lo que cuentas tiene una pinta estupenda... qué coño, sólo con ver las fotos y saber que está ambientada en los 80 ya me dan ganas de verla! ya te contaré ;)

    Y tú guapísima como siempre, me encanta tu camiseta de arlequín y tus botas blancas

    1 beso

  7. I left you a present in my blog, so come and colect it.

  8. I didn't know about that series! It looks great!
    The girls look amazing!
    :) x

  9. Rather nice site you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

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  10. Oh GOD, I love your style.
    Las marten blancas son ♥♥♥♥

  11. mmmm creo que se donde esta tomada esa foto, en le triangle puede ser???
    Bonito blog! me encantan tus outfits desde que te vi en chicismo o chictopia creo.....
    te sigo!
    pasate por mi blog

  12. PD; la serie la conozco y es la leche!!! me gusta muchisismo, claro que casi todo lo que tiene que ver con inglaterra me gusta:)

  13. Tjoho! Jag heter Anna och söker massvis utav personer runt om i landet som gillar att skriva! Nu har jag nämligen precis satt igång ett projekt där jag skall göra en novellsamling bestående av endast magpirrande kärleksnoveller! Så kolla hemskt gärna in min blogg om du vill veta mer ♥


Thanks for reading my blog and for your lovely comments, I will comment you back as soon as I can!