Monday, December 08, 2014

Put your arms around me, fiddly digits, itchy britches... I love you all

This weekend I watched Frank, an Irish film directed by Lenny Abrahamson who shares the story of Frank a charismatic person who lives behind a big fake head and has a band, the Soronprfbs.

Jon (Domhnall Gleeson) is a frustrated songwriter who joins the Soronprfbs, an experimental band with a very peculiar leader, Frank (Michael Fassbender). They go to Ireland for the recording of their first album, and there they have to solve some problems, as the hate that Clara (Maggie Gyllenhaal) has for Jon. 

They finally record the album, and thanks to some videos that Jon has been posting on Youtube, they go to South by Southwest festival at Texas. There, they have more fights and something bad happens...

I must say that I've enjoyed the film so much, and the music is amazing. I couldn't imagine that Michael Fassbender has this amazing voice, and I would love that the Soronprfbs would have released that first album for real because it sounds amazing.

If you love music and artists like Daniel Johnston, you'll love and enjoy this film so much as I did.

Este fin de semana he visto la película "Frank", de Lenny Abrahamson; y todos deberíais de verla, porque además de divertida, cuenta una historia interesante de lo que puede ser el proyecto creativo de algunas bandas musicales.

1 comment :

  1. No la conocía!!! la verdad amo las películas que tengan buena música, como la última que vi, una alemana llamada contra la pared, de hecho subi sobre ella en el blog.
    GRacias por tu recomendación, espero encontrarla.


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