Yesterday we went to the cinema just to see the new Harry Potter film. I'm a very big fan of J.K. Rowling's books; I know that maybe they're not the best of the world (now I'm reading "A song of fire and ice" and is best than this) but I like them. Anyway, I didn't like the film but we had a lovely time watching it.
I was wearing my Putumato's skirt (my favourite one) with the t-shirt I made with the ETC print; socks from Alice and the Pirates and shoes by Tao Bao. The belt was offbrand and the bag from Blanco; and I made the accessories by myself, except the big ring. Forget my silly face of the picture!!

After the cinema we had a beer at one pub in the town centre; and the home, because today I was going to a big mall in Marbella called "La Cañada".

We had a great day there, it was really hot but inside it was cool, and my mother and I bought plenty of things. I bought a lovely black and red skirt from Desigual, very cool and cheap, only 17 € (it was 35 €!); I must say that the guys from Desigual were great and funny, and I took a picture of one of them called Cristian; if you go to Marbella and visit this big mall, ask for him!

I bought another lovely miniskirt from Sfera, in purple, blue and white colour; very cool for summer. Then we had lunch at Mani's, a German restaurant that I love because they make the best "german kebab" ever! After that, we went to Blanco ant then to Oysho, where I bought some cute socks, underwear and a cute strawberry pin.
Finally, at H&M, I bought a pair of dresses, very cheap, in purple and blue; and more underwear; this time was Hello Kitty! Then, we had some coffee and back home... I love going shopping with my mom!
And now I leave you because tomorrow morning I'm travelling to Lisbon just for seeing The Killers, Mando Diao (again!) and The Walkmen on Saturday. I'll make lost of pictures.

Enjoy the weekend!
Ayer fui con unos amigos al estreno de Harry Potter. Soy una gran fan de la obra de J.K. Rowling;

sé que hay libros mejores (de hecho ahora mismo me estoy leyendo "Canción de Hielo y Fuego" y está genial, mucho mejor); pero bueno, me enanché a sus libros y poco más. La película no me gustó nada, peor nos reímos mucho viéndola. Para la ocasión me puse mi falda de Putumayo, mi favorita; la camiseta que me hice con ele stampado de ETC, unos calcetines de Alice and the Pirates, zapatos rojos de tao Bao, bolso y pulsera de blanco, cinturón offbrand y complementos variados hechos por mí, menos el anillo grande.
Tras el cine nos fuimos a tomar unas cervezas a un pub del centro, y luego a casa pronto, porque hoy iba con mi madre de compras al centro comercial "La Cañada" en Marbella.
La verdad es que pasamos un día estupendo; hacía calor pero dentro se estaba muy bien, y nos hemos comprado muchas cosas. En Desigual, compré una bonita falda negra y roja sólo por 17 € (valía 35 €); y luego en Sfera, una minifalda con mucho vuelo de color violeta, azul y blanca. He de decir que los chicos de Desigual fueron muy simpáticos, en especial Cristina, al cual le saqué una foto; si vais a este sitio de Marbella, preguntad por él.

Luego fuimos a comer a Mani's, un restaurante alemán donde preparan el mejor "kebab alemán" del mundo. Tras esto, fuimos a Blanco y a Oysho, donde compré varias moneces: ropita interior, un par de calcetines y un pin de una fresa.

Finalmente visitamos H&M, donde compré dos vestidos y más ropita interior, de Hello Kitty. Un cafelito y a casita... ¡me encanta ir de compras con mi madre!
Y ahora me voy a dormir, que mañana me levanto temprano para viajar a Lisboa... voy a ver a The killers con Mando Diao (otra vez!) y The walkmen el sábado; trataré de hacer muchas fotos.
Disfrutad del fin de semana!